Thursday, October 15, 2009

VOTE for Fractions!

My design made it into the Spoonflower Fabric of the Week FINAL ROUND!!! I am excited to have made finals three contests in a row! It is fun to be in this competition with so many cool designs and designers!
IF you like mine best (which you do, right?) vote for it here:

Also, you can now buy my fabrics directly from Spoonflower. I have the three finalist designs, plus two of my personal favorites for sale. You can buy yardage here:

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Spoonflower Numbers Semifinal Round

I am number 24 in the group of 40 designers competing in the semifinal round this week at Spoonflower. My design is called Fractions. I used Helvetica to create the original numbers for this design and then broke it into lots of pieces so you could only see indications of the original numbers. I try to imaging yardage when I design: what this print would look like on specific pieces - and I imagined this on an active wear piece like a yoga top.
There are lots of great submissions, so as always, I truely appreciate your vote!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Juna Studio!

I feel like I can announce this now because I finally knuckled down and sent my first collection to my new print reps in NY Juna Studio! I signed on with them at the beginning of September, but I have been so crazy busy that I only just got my first designs out to them. I did a group of women's dress prints and now I am working on some youth designs. It has been great and I am excited and full of ideas to draw.
I will be able to post sneak-peeks of my designs soon.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Vote for Lovin' Spoonful!

My design made the final round in the Spoonflower contest and now you can VOTE again for me! There are some great designs in the competition, so I really appreciate you vote. Mine is the crazy orange one in the middle - but you all ready knew that, didn't you!
Next week there are two contests: numbers and doll panels. I am not sure which one I will enter: I have a ton of designing to do this weekend for Juna studio - my new reps in NYC. I'll post more on that soon, I promise!